Wednesday, 27 January 2010

quick idea, "Those Who Kill..."

the first idea we had was a story board in which an old time killer, Cid, (also known as "The Cowboy") is visited by his old friend, Guy, who asks him if he interested in revenge on Sammie the Lynch's son for $50million. This opening leaves many plot holes that, quite rightly, won't be answered in the opening.
The idea is to shot the scene in black and white, (as it is a flashback), and the rest of the little flicks to other scenes in colour to show that they are presently happening.
There is also the notion that not much non-diagetic sound will be used, as we found that many of the clips we saw had too much in-your-face, obvious garage banding over-use, and seemed cheesy and lacked proffesionalism. (see the "Shadow" clip to understasnd this reference).
The out door scene should be shot at night to give the mysterious feel to the scene, which will also show that the character of Guy, who is wearing a suit would fit right in with the darkness, which seems only fitting as he is a corrupt businessman working for somesort of assassination assossation. Also, the inside should be in a rustic setting, (we had the idea to use our friends caravan as it matches the discription we were thinking of). The interiour should be dimly lit, at least to cover Cid's face. Throughout this scene it will jump (at certain parts) to Cid interourgating someone with their head in some water, (like you do in such situations). To do this we shall use a sherical fish bowel and film underneath it to give the illusion of being shot underwater.
Throughout the end of the scene Cid will tell a speech, like in the Coen film, "No Country for Old Men", which will explain, briefly to the audience what sort opf person Cid is.

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