Wednesday, 6 January 2010

thrillers and why they are so thrillery...

Thrillers tend to possess a similar trend and that they play mostly on the adrenaline of the audience. For example, the opening scene in Jaws show the camera view of the shark from a upwards shot, which causes the audience to see what is watching the woman and plays on the notion that people fear whatever is in the water when they don't know whats down there. this is also helped by the only diagetic sound of the woman, the waves and the gulls give the illusion of a calm and serene feeling. This is then runs parallel to the non-diagetic F minor orchestral score for when the shark is stalking the woman, (2 cords make an instant villain). the fact that the shark is not seen by the audience keeps the audience in suspense due to the mid-close up of the woman.

Jaws' opening scene tends to start slow and then the pace picks up, which appears in both the bank scene at the beginning of the first Transporter and the Parquor chase scene in Casino Royal. The tr use slow, and subtle swells of synthesized non-diagetic sound

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