Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Sound Issues

Sound Issues
Once we put the footage we recorded over the weekend onto the computer and played back we realised we had a few issues with the sound.
The problems
1)The fire is making up much of the noise captured by the camera and is quite a bit louder than Pete when he is talking
2)Due to it raining for some parts to protect the camera and make sure no water gets on the lense we put a umbrella up above it. But the consequence is that for the scenes in which we record while its raining which is only a few scenes there is the sound of rain hitting the umbrella which is quite noticeable specially compared to the other scenes after it which does not have the same noise.
3)The guitar playing is good however at new scenes it completely changes for example it will cut during the middle of one bit and then in the next clip it will be a completely different tune. Looking back at it we should of got Cleve to only play one song throughout to prevent this issue.
To solve these issues
1)We have decided to do a complete voice over for a majority of the clips and hopefully get them lip synced well. We can then turn down the volume of the original clip so the sound of the fire will be a lot lower and the have the voice over quite loud. This should get us what we wanted which is a fire in the background but not being too loud.
2)Due to us voicing over again we can turn the original clips volume down and also with music in the background which we will put over the clip the noise should be unnoticeable.
3)We will create a song on garage band using a acoustic guitar and then import this onto the film. It will not be obvious we done this as the footage is Cleve genuinely playing the guitar so it looks realistic and we doubt it will seem that obvious what we have done.
This is how we plan to solve the sound issues that have occured during our footage editing.
By Jonny

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